Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lunchtime Legends

This recycling game is designed mainly for kids. It looks simple at first, but as the levels go up so does the speed.

I bombed out on level 3, but I did learn that metal cutlery is recyclable, as are the takeaway coffee cups. Of course, if you're a big drinker of takeaway coffee, Keep Cups are a great idea.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Free Ice Cream

I popped by Ben and Jerry's recent Free Ice Cream Day. Apart from handing out sample cups, they were also launching their climate justice campaign - "Save our Swirled". Nice pun ;)

While we queued, there was also a chance to sign a petition to Keep Australia great, saying that "Australians deserve fresh air, clean water, sustainable jobs and a healthy environment."

I signed it on the spot - and you can do so online.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The hottest 12 months

I read yesteday that January-March this year is the hottest January March ever recorded.

Combined with last year's record heat, this makes the last year (April 2014 - March 2015) the hottest 12 month period on record. It beat the 12 months ending in February, which beat the 12 months ending in January

Coincidentally I met up with a couple of good friends last night, and one mentioned how long this summer has been.

The year to year temperature increase is probably not noticeable. But after a while it adds up, and it is noticeable when there are several 30°C days in the middle of Autumn.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Waleed Aly really cares about renewable energy

Waleed Aly, presenter of The Project, really caused a stir with his report on renewable energy in Australia. It was a great piece - check it out.

He mentions some of the 143 other countries around the world that have established renewable energy targets - such as Austria 68%, Sweden 61%, Scotland 50%, New Zealand almost 80% and Costa Rica 100% so far this year. Here's what that means for jobs in Australia. While the rest of the world employs close to a million people in renewable energy, we've lost jobs in this growing industry.

"It's the generations to come that will look back and see this for what it is - a willful disregard for the future of this nation by the people we've elected to lead us."

Waleed cares. Do we? How about we do something - like email one of those politicians.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The actual probability of disaster

I found this great animation and summary of climate science.

It's visually stimulating, but also gives a understandable summary of the science.

For me the end was also quite stunning. We really need to reduce our pollution significantly.

Thursday, April 09, 2015

I love a sun-powered country

The ACF is giving away these posters to anyone who wants to display them. Just fill in the form, and they'll post them to you. Or you can get an electronic version (solar or wind) if you want to put it on your profile.

I love a sun-powered country

For international readers, the words relate to the famous Australian poem My Country (I love a sunburnt country).

Monday, April 06, 2015

Earth Hour Highlights Video 2015

Earthhour Australia put together this video of highlights from Earth Hour 2015, here in Australia.

In Australia this year the theme was food - highlighting how climate change, and more extreme weather, hurts our farmers' ability to grow food.

Related link: Earth Hour promo video